Presenter Resources
All presenters are encouraged to use the official ADRP Conference PowerPoint template, available now!

Please submit your PowerPoint to the ADRP Office by Wednesday, August 1.
Presentation Disclaimer: Please make sure to use best research and reporting practices in your presentation, and openly cite any sources. Copyrighted comics and other cartoon images are allowed in your presentation, but will not be published or printed. Please let us know if you include a copyrighted image in your presentation.
We are thrilled you are presenting at the 15th Annual ADRP International Conference in St. Louis, MO, October 3–5! We look forward to delivering the best conference experience yet, for both the attendees and the presenters. Following, you will find a list of resources that may be helpful as you prepare and finalize your presentation.
We’d like your help in making the conference content more engaging, more interactive and distinct from the typical “conference” format. To that end, we are providing this information about best practices for presenting and ideas for new, out-of-the-box session formats.
Before you jump to the links, though, here are some guidelines to keep in mind as you craft your presentation:
We strongly encourage you to not use a slide deck but if you want to use one, take a look at the resources below to see how to improve your presentation to better engage with the audience. If you use slides and are participating in our coaching program, please prepare a draft by July 20 to share with your coach.
Include at least one interactive component in your presentation. Q&A at the end is mandatory. What more can you add to the attendees’ experience?
It is strongly recommended that you provide a takeaway for your audience, and it can be anything from a white paper to an info-graphic to a follow-up work list or reading list (your slides don’t count as a takeaway). Your takeaway does not need to be printed—ADRP will make it available to attendees after your presentation.
- Please make sure to use best research and reporting practices in your presentation, and openly cite any sources. Copyrighted comics and other cartoon images are allowed in your presentation, but will not be published or printed. Please let us know if you include a copyrighted image in your presentation.
- In your presentation, please be mindful of your characterizations of various groups, in order not to inadvertently create an environment that is not completely welcoming and inclusive to everyone. We’ve had feedback from past conference attendees that, during some presentations, comments have been made which seem to put down frontline fundraisers or characterize gender groups in an unflattering manner. The ADRP conference is a place where all colleagues should feel welcome and supported, and celebrated for their unique talents and perspectives.
Coaching Program
Rely on ADRP’s coaches to help you retool and refine your presentation. You will work with your coach to set the parameters of your work together. It can focus on your coverage of the topic, fine-tuning your ideas for this audience, or honing your delivery and presentation skills.
Presenter Information
Helpful Links & Tips for Presenters
Coaching Guide
Presentation Information
Presentation Submission Deadline: Any speaker using PowerPoint or a like product, must submit presentations by Wednesday, August 1. Submitted materials must be in their final form and speakers should not make changes to their presentation slides after submitting them. Presentations will be posted online and in the conference mobile app in PDF format for conference attendees to download prior to and following the conference.
PowerPoint Template: Please begin your presentation with the main title slide on the following ADRP PowerPoint Template. You may also choose to use the template for your remaining slides.
Use of Handouts: Providing examples of the concepts you are describing can sometimes help to solidify a presentation. If you want to share additional resources with attendees, you may submit them to ADRP by the deadline to make them available for your session attendees online and in the printed booklet. Additional copies of materials will not be provided by ADRP onsite at the conference.
Source Citations: Research used in developing the presentation must be referenced, with sources cited and permission granted, for use of another organization's samples or information.
Audio/Visual: The standard AV package includes a podium, wired microphone, one wireless lapel microphone, slide advancer, laptop computer, projector and screen. A wireless internet connection will also be available. Your presentation will be pre-loaded on the provided laptop. If you requested a flipchart it will be available. Please send additional AV requests to [email protected] for consideration.
Attire: Please dress in business attire for your presentation.
Cancellations: Please notify the ADRP office immediately if an emergency may prevent you from presenting a session.
Helpful Links
Inspiration and wisdom:
Not every presentation aligns with an unconventional format, but all presenters can learn from the success of the wildly-popular presentation format. Here are some interesting links to help you learn from the principles behind this model.
Presentation formats and content:
Being in front of an audience: